National Puzzle Day 2025

Celebrated annually on 29th January, National Puzzle Day is a great opportunity to engage children's minds and encourage a love for problem-solving. Beyond being simply entertaining, puzzles play a crucial role in child development by developing cognitive and motor skills.

There are hundreds of advantages for children who engage in puzzles, some of the best being:

  • Fine Motor Skills - Children’s hand muscles are strengthened by manipulating puzzle pieces, which enhances their dexterity and hand-eye coordination

  • Cognitive Development - Puzzles promote critical thinking by improving memory, spatial awareness, and the capacity to organise and test concepts.

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Children;s problem-solving abilities are enhanced as they discover strategies and solutions as they determine how pieces go together.

Why not start making your own STEM puzzle to commemorate National Puzzle Day? It's an entertaining and instructive method of getting kids interested while fostering their creativity and knowledge. 

Check out these resources on creating your own STEM challenges for ideas and direction:

Here at Hyett, we are passionate about providing interactive STEM workshops that capture the essence of National Puzzle Day. Our Intermediate STEMbotics workshop, intended for students in Years 4 through to 9, is one of our most aligning workshops. During this workshop, students are required to design, construct, and program LEGO robots in order to complete a variety of curriculum-based challenges. This hands-on experience not only makes learning enjoyable but also mirrors the problem-solving and critical thinking skills honed through traditional puzzles.

Get in touch for more information…


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